A Practical Guide to Family Worship

A Practical Guide to Family Worship


Family worship can sometimes seem like a daunting task. We tend to have visions of grandeur that flop with restless and uninterested children. Most people I talk to tend to want to conquer the world when it comes to family worship and when their expectations crash it goes by the wayside. Have you wanted to start but don’t know where to? Is family worship a new concept? Have you started but crashed? This Family Worship resource created by @mediagratiae will help you get started. A Practical Guide to Family Worship comes with an 8 series DVD/video Bible Study and work book to help you on your way. Ryan Bush lays out for you why Family Worship is so important, helping fathers and mothers tend to the little lambs entrusted to their care. Ryan is so gracious and helps set realistic expectations for your family to be successful. A Guide to Family Worship is daily devotions for the family, Media Gratiae says, “The guide covers 30 days. Each devotional corresponds to the day of the month. It repeats each month and is meant to be used for one year.” In the devotion you’ll find a memory verse, questions to ask your children with coinciding Bible verses, confessions of faith, prayer guides, and a hymn. This is such an excellent resource for your family to start the daily habit, I highly recommend it! Have you used any of @mediagratiae resources? If so which ones?

Coming Soon: my review of The Church.