One of my favourite things to do is planning for the next year’s curriculum.

The WOG website has wonderful printable pages to help you organize your homeschool. From daily, weekly and monthly planning to future curriculum list. These are great resources.

Take time to assess what works and does not work for your family, your children and your teaching style. Go visit other homeschooling moms and glean from their experiences.

Some ladies have a room designated for school, others do it around the kitchen table. Have an area to keep your children’s books organized and easy to find.

Have some activities for your toddlers that are only for “school time”. Some ideas would be:

  • play dough
  • an art and craft box
  • sticker book
  • puzzles
  • counting activities
  • sorting beans of different colours in an egg carton

Involve your toddler in your homeschool as much as possible. They pick up so much just from being around.

Part of organizing our homeschool is also knowing what to do with the curriculum at the end of the year. Do I keep it all? How could I possibly throw away that essay my child struggled so much with. How much you want to save also will depend on how much space and how many children you have. One possibility is making a yearly binder for each child with some samples of their work from L.A to math.